


Hex Workshop provides the user with preferences to customize the appearance of their hex editing environment. These options can be changed by selecting Preferences from the Options menu and then selecting the Layout tab. Below are description of these options:




The sample is designed to give users a picture of how their layout and display modifications will changing how Hex Workshop renders document views without forcing users to apply changes.




Hexadecimal data is displayed in rows. The amount of bytes per row can be set to a specific value between 1 and 64 bytes or can be set to automatically fit size the maximum number of bytes per rows to window width. The value must be an even multiple of the column group by length (see below). The default is 16 bytes per row.




Within the rows, data is broken up into columns to make viewing the data easier. The Column preference allows the user to choose how this data is grouped. For example, if data is grouped in 4 bytes (or longs), there would be four columns of 4 bytes in each row of hexadecimal data (assuming 16 bytes per row). The default is 2 bytes (or shorts).


Offset Length


The length of the offset address can be adjusted from 4 to 12 character in length. Users may also drag the divider line in the editor to adjust this value. The default is 8 characters.


See also Preferences: Display, Preferences: General, Preferences: Configuration, Preferences: Paths, Preferences: Compare, and Preferences: Import/Export.