Document Functions
Function |
Description |
UQWord __getCaretPos() |
Get the current caret position within the editor's active document view |
UQWord __getCaretSel() |
Get the current selection length within the editor's active document view |
UQWord __setCaretPos(offset) |
Set the caret position within the editor NOTE: Setting the caret position automatically clears any selection. |
UQWord __setCaretSel(length) |
Set the selection length within the active document window. |
Function |
Description |
__addStructureAt( |
Adds a structure of the specified name to the specified offset and returns the length of the added structure. If the expression is defined as part of a Structure
Viewer function, the current library is used for resolving structure names.
Function |
Description |
UQWord __getDocSize() |
Returns the size of the editor's active document. |
Byte __getByteAt(offset) UByte __getUByteAt(offset) Word __getWordAt(offset) UWord __getUWordAt(offset) DWord __getDWordAt(offset) UDWord __getUDWordAt(offset) QWord __getQWordAt(offset) UQWord __getUQWordAt(offset) |
Returns the value at the specified address. Each function variation returns a different sized value. The expression is aborted (fails) if unable to read at the specified offset. If using a variable declaration to read or manipulate document data, that variable should be defined as a UQWord (unsigned 64 bit integer). Please see Expression Data Types for information on the data type sign and size. |
Function |
Description |
Byte __setByteAt(offset, value) UByte __setUByteAt(offset, value) Word __setWordAt(offset, value) UWord __setUWordAt(offset, value) DWord __setDWordAt(offset, value) UDWord __setUDWordAt(offset, value) QWord __setQWordAt(offset, value) UQWord __setUQWordAt(offset, value) |
Sets (overwrites) the value at the specified offset. The expression is aborted (fails) if it's unable to operate at the specified offset. Otherwise, the new value is returned. If using a variable declaration to read or manipulate document data, that variable should be defined as a UQWord (unsigned 64 bit integer). Please see Expression Data Types for information on the data type sign and size.
Byte __insertByteAt(offset, value) UByte __insertUByteAt(offset, value) Word __insertWordAt(offset, value) UWord __insertUWordAt(offset, value) DWord __insertDWordAt(offset, value) UDWord __insertUDWordAt(offset, value) QWord __insertQWordAt(offset, value) UQWord __insertUQWordAt(offset, value) |
Inserts the value at the specified offset. The expression is aborted (fails) if it's unable to operate at the specified offset. Otherwise, the new value is returned. If using a variable declaration to read or manipulate document data, that variable should be defined as a UQWord (unsigned 64 bit integer). Please see Expression Data Types for information on the data type sign and size. NOTE: The caret position and length is not modified when inserting data. |
UQWord __deleteAt(offset, length) |
Deletes a range of data starting at the designated offset. The length is limited to a UDWORD. |
__setUByteAt(0x2E, __getUByteAt(0x2E) + 1)
__insertUWordAt(__getDocSize(), 0x0000) ;
Operations: Arithmetic, Bitwise, Logical, and Precedence
Functions: Arithmetic and Document