Hex Workshop allows users the ability to open files, logical drives, and physical drives via the command line.


hworks32 [file|drive|fixeddisk|/HEXCODE:file|/SRECORDS:file [/READONLY] [/FILELIST] [/GOTO:address] [/SELECT:count] /BOOKMARKS:file]

hworks32 [file [/COMPAREWITH:file2]]




Opens the specified file. Please place quotes around paths with spaces.


Opens a Logical Drive in the form 'X:', where X is the drive letter. A: for Drive A:, C: for Drive C:, etc.


Open a Physical Drive in the form '/F:x', where x is the fixed disk number:

/F:80 for the first fixed disk

/F:81 for the second fixed disk



Open the resource in read-only mode. This disables all write operations.


Open the resource as a CrLf delimited text file and then open each individual file specified within it.


Places the editor caret at the specified offset 'x'. Values are interpreted as decimal values unless prefixed with "0x" when they are interpreted as hexadecimal values.


Select 'x' bytes from the current editor caret position. If a /GOTO is not specified, Hex Workshop will select data starting from offset 0.


Import the specified file as Motorola S-Records.


Import the specified file as Intel Hex Code.


Compare the source file with this target file.  This parameter is only valid for file types (not drive, fixeddisk or imports).  The default window size and match bytes are used.  A starting offset of zero is used for both files.


Load and apply the bookmark file to the file, drive, or fixed disks.



c:\hexworks\hworks32 foobar1.bin foobar2.bin

The command above will start Hex Workshop with the files "foobar1.bin" and "foobar2.bin" loaded in the editor.


c:\hexworks\hworks32 C:

This will start Hex Workshop with the logical "C:" drive loaded in the sector editor.


c:\hexworks\hworks32 /F:80 /READONLY

The command above will start Hex Workshop with the first physical disk loaded in the sector editor. The sector will be loaded in "read-only" mode so no sectors can be modified.


c:\hexworks\hworks32 foobar3.bin /GOTO:300 /SELECT:0x100

This will start Hex Workshop with foobar3.bin loaded in the editor. The editor caret will be placed at offset 300 (0x012C) and 256 bytes (0x100) will be selected.


c:\hexworks\hworks32 /SRECORDS:mykernel.mot /GOTO:0x1000

This will start Hex Workshop, import mykernel.mot as Motorola S-Records, and place the caret as offset 0x1000.


c:\hexworks\hworks32 file1 /COMPAREWITH:file2

This will start Hex Workshop, and start a resynchronizing compare operation between file1 (source) and file2 (target).


c:\hexworks\hworks32 myIcon.ico /BOOKMARKS:icon.hbk

This will start Hex Workshop, load myIcon.ico into the editor and apply bookmarks found in icon.hbk.  Hex Workshops looks for bookmark files in the Bookmarks directory if a full path is not specified and unable to load the file from the current working directory.