Command Line Usage
Hex Workshop allows users the ability to open files, logical drives, and physical drives via the command line.
hworks32 [file|drive|fixeddisk|/HEXCODE:file|/SRECORDS:file [/READONLY] [/FILELIST] [/GOTO:address] [/SELECT:count] /BOOKMARKS:file]
hworks32 [file [/COMPAREWITH:file2]]
Attribute/Option |
Description |
file |
Opens the specified file. Please place quotes around paths with spaces. |
drive |
Opens a Logical Drive in the form 'X:', where X is the drive letter. A: for Drive A:, C: for Drive C:, etc. |
fixeddisk |
Open a Physical Drive in the form '/F:x', where x is the fixed disk number: /F:80 for the first fixed disk /F:81 for the second fixed disk ... |
Open the resource in read-only mode. This disables all write operations. |
Open the resource as a CrLf delimited text file and then open each individual file specified within it. |
/GOTO:x |
Places the editor caret at the specified offset 'x'. Values are interpreted as decimal values unless prefixed with "0x" when they are interpreted as hexadecimal values. |
Select 'x' bytes from the current editor caret position. If a /GOTO is not specified, Hex Workshop will select data starting from offset 0. |
/SRECORDS:file |
Import the specified file as Motorola S-Records. |
/HEXCODE:file |
Import the specified file as Intel Hex Code. |
Compare the source file with this target file. This parameter is only valid for file types (not drive, fixeddisk or imports). The default window size and match bytes are used. A starting offset of zero is used for both files. |
Load and apply the bookmark file to the file, drive, or fixed disks. |
c:\hexworks\hworks32 foobar1.bin foobar2.bin
The command above will start Hex Workshop with the files "foobar1.bin" and "foobar2.bin" loaded in the editor.
c:\hexworks\hworks32 C:
This will start Hex Workshop with the logical "C:" drive loaded in the sector editor.
c:\hexworks\hworks32 /F:80 /READONLY
The command above will start Hex Workshop with the first physical disk loaded in the sector editor. The sector will be loaded in "read-only" mode so no sectors can be modified.
c:\hexworks\hworks32 foobar3.bin /GOTO:300 /SELECT:0x100
This will start Hex Workshop with foobar3.bin loaded in the editor. The editor caret will be placed at offset 300 (0x012C) and 256 bytes (0x100) will be selected.
c:\hexworks\hworks32 /SRECORDS:mykernel.mot /GOTO:0x1000
This will start Hex Workshop, import mykernel.mot as Motorola S-Records, and place the caret as offset 0x1000.
c:\hexworks\hworks32 file1 /COMPAREWITH:file2
This will start Hex Workshop, and start a resynchronizing compare operation between file1 (source) and file2 (target).
c:\hexworks\hworks32 myIcon.ico /BOOKMARKS:icon.hbk
This will start Hex Workshop, load myIcon.ico into the editor and apply bookmarks found in icon.hbk. Hex Workshops looks for bookmark files in the Bookmarks directory if a full path is not specified and unable to load the file from the current working directory.