Hex Workshop provides the ability to print customized printouts (hex dumps) with a Page Setup feature. Using the Page Setup users can use a custom header and/or footer, printer font, and margins.


The header and footer can consist of any valid text. Using special codes (listed to below) users can print the filename or full path, current page number, total pages, and time and date in a number of different formats. In addition, any portion or all of the headers and footers can be left, center, or right justified using these special codes:


The font which is used to print all data. This can be changed to any monospace font on the users system. The default is Courier 12 point.


You can specify how many bytes are printed on a single low (line). The default is 16 bytes per row.


The left, right, top, and bottom margin can be set for printouts. The default is 0.50 inches for all margins.